Re: Tractor hayride safety
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Posted by john d. on October 28, 1998 at 12:44:29:
In Reply to: Tractor hayride safety posted by Fritz on October 28, 1998 at 04:21:55:
: Other than good common sense, what would be some general guidelines for having a hayride? I will be using a John Deere Model M and am looking for a smaller wagon to restore. I have been told : that it is not a good idea to have more weight (wagon + people) than the weight of the tractor pulling it (Model M about 2550). Hayrides are awhile off as the M is still in pieces but doesn't hurt to : daydream. Thanks for any experiences. I've done the hayride bit, probably will again, but I have a queasy feeling until it's over. Make sure the brakes and lights are good, stay off the roads, know the terrain, drive the route earlier in the day, don't allow riders on the tractor, use a safety pin in the hitch, be sure the wagon is in safe shape, and don't haul drunks. My wife and I had the unfortunate experience about 20 years ago of taking some teenagers on a truck hayride for the church youth group. One 16 year old girl (farm girl, used to being around equipment, and it was her Dad's truck!) climbed over the side when the ride was finished, caught here class ring on a piece of metal, and left the finger on the top of the truck when she dropped to the ground. You can't always prevent accidents, but lots of preparation will at least let you (and others) know you tried.
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