Moldboard plow problem
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Posted by Brian Nurmi on October 28, 1998 at 16:49:59:
I have a 1948 Farmall Cub with a factory single-blade moldboard plow. I turned the drawbar around so it is facing forward, attached it there, and hooked the chain to the back hydraulic lever. I tried to pull it, but it wouldn't dig down. It would just slide across the ground. The chain from the hydraulic lever to the plow had slack, but I didn't have the angle at which it would dig. I tried to attach it under the drawbar, but that still didn't help. If all else fails, I am going to cut some metal spacers with a plasma cutter and put them on the bottom of the drawbar and then bolt it. That should give me a better angle. Am I hooking it up wrong, or does anybody have any better ideas? Thanks. Also, thanks to Stan from VA for helping me with my last question.
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