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Posted by Mark R. on October 31, 1998 at 10:47:05:
In Reply to: Int.W4, HP, WEIGHT, PRICE, CAN ANYONE HELP? posted by Terry Dixon on October 30, 1998 at 16:34:53:
: I am looking at an International W4, 1951, and was wondering if anyone could tell me the H.P., weight and what one would be worth. What moter would be the equilivent from the farmall series, a C or a H? It is in average farm condition, tires 25% but not weather checked. He is asking $1500, seems a little high to me but I am not a tractor expert on the W series tractors. Would be greatfull for any information. : Thanks in advance. Terry Terry The W-4 McCormick Deering, has the same C152 engine as the Farmall H and is rated at @20 H.P. I hope this helps. Mark R.
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