Re: 8N Ford Ignition problem
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Posted by jean mclane on November 01, 1998 at 10:30:49:
In Reply to: 8N Ford Ignition problem posted by Dan Manrique on October 31, 1998 at 18:46:08:
: Have no spark to plugs changed distributer and coil. voltage goes into coil but no spark at plugs. Any suggestions? Tom's step-by-step instructions are great! The next step is to pull the coil wire off the distrib abd check for spark out of the coil as you activate the starter(I removed all 4 plugs to save the battery). I had trouble finding a good ground to run the continuity tests and finally sanded down a place on the Ferguson's aluminum bell housing. If you get a spark from the coil wire, but still none at the plugs, see my previous post re: distributor post glazing.
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