Re: Tractor hayride safety
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Posted by Tom on November 05, 1998 at 02:09:28:
In Reply to: Tractor hayride safety posted by Fritz on October 28, 1998 at 04:21:55:
A local church tried having a hayride several years ago. While traveling down a hill, the brakes would not hold and the driver lost control. The tractor and wagon came to a stop in a ditch and several were hurt. The church got sued. It's a nice idea, but I wouldn't want to touch it nowadays. If you're determined, make sure that all equipment is in good shape, STAY OFF the public roads, traffic and haywagons don't mix. Stay on level ground. Make sure you are hauling people who know how to behave. It only takes one idiot to ruin everything. NO riders on the tractor and make sure that you are competent to operate the tractor and pull the wagon. It takes a bit of practice to get a wagon through tight spots without hanging it on something. Also, it is possible to make too sharp a turn, and turn the wagon over. Sorry to rain on your parade, but the possibilities of having someone get hurt or being sued are VERY real. A local man gave his grandson a tractor ride years ago. The child fell off and the rear tractor tire crushed him to death. Now he has to live with the knowledge that he killed his grandson. The child's father was one year ahead of me in high school, so I know the family somewhat. I'm not just quoting newspaper headlines. Unless you are a competent tractor operator and are willing to play it safe, forget it.
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