Re: Why does my diesel lose its prime?
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Posted by Diesel Dan on November 08, 1998 at 07:19:31:
In Reply to: Why does my diesel lose its prime? posted by Al Thigpen on November 05, 1998 at 11:14:42:
We know air is getting in the system. Are there any fuel leaks? Fix all leaks no matter how small.Tighten all connections. Replace fuel filter element and make sure all sealing surfaces are perfectly clean. If all else fails you can put a little air pressure on the tank to pressurize the system to find your leak. CAUTION! Use very little pressure to avoid blowing up tank! One other thing you can do as a patch is to install a one way check valve right before the pump. The valve will keep the fuel in the pump for the next restart. Most fuel shops stock this valve and should cost less than $10 dollars. Diesel Dan O---[o{]
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