Re: ?water? in tires
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Posted by JOsh on November 10, 1998 at 16:48:26:
In Reply to: ?water? in tires posted by Frank on November 09, 1998 at 15:00:53:
: I purchased a 42 Farmall H this spring. Just noticed one of the rear tires was looking low so I went to check the pressure. Got quite a surprise when what looked like water squerted out. Help! your input is greatly appreciated Calcium Chloride in water weighs 12lbs per gallon if it is properly mixed. It Must be run in a tube or it will destroy the rim in a matter of a couple years. It does make a tire stiffer as others have said but for a tillage tractor which is never unloaded it is a good choice in combination with cast. It takes a lot of cast weights to make the equivilent of fluid in larger tires since cast weights are usually never more than 150# each. We have two tractors with 18.4 38 we run fluid filled to the top of the rims and 3 cast weights in bias tires and still have trouble controlling wheel slip pulling a 22 ft field cultivator. THe fluid in each tire weighs 1100 lbs per wheel if we used cast we would have 7 plus the 3 we use anyway, 10 weights total is too much to have hanging off of the axle. This is just my narrow view of liquid vs cast. One last note on small tires cast is better for every reason.
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