Looking for Bolen parts
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Posted by Don G. on November 25, 1998 at 22:34:32:
I own a Bolens 770, which back in 1990 bought and rebuilt, or should I say modified into a HotRod. I beat Tim Allen on tool time by building my high output tractor. I needed more pulling power, because at the time I ran a radio control car race track and I made track maintance equipment that made the track smooth for the little cars. Bolens 770 is a small tractor but I needed MORE power. So I, after about a 100hrs of lobor, painted and modified the chassy to except a hopped up 2 cylinder onan. So what I'm looking for are steering and a 3spd. transaxle parts new or used. Or if you have names of dealers in your area please send anything you can find on the subject. Or if your intrested in all the other things I have built or modified around my house send me a message. Thanks, Don.
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