Re: Re: Re: Re: Cockshutt 540
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Posted by Gerald on November 27, 1998 at 10:54:08:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Cockshutt 540 posted by kenny on November 27, 1998 at 07:32:32:
: : : : Can anyone tell me if Cockshutt made any 540's : : : : with the exhaust running out the top thru the hood : : : : or were they all run out the bottom. : : : Kenny; My cockshutt 540 has the exhaust muffler going out through the hood, any pictures I've seen all showed the same. I hope this helps. Norm... : : Kenny: I checked my service manual after I responded,[as I usually do] and it appears it does not go through the hood after all. It appears the 550 and up do go through the hood. It must be easier or cheaper to run it through the hood when the old exhaust rusts out. Norm... : Norm,I agree with you on the reason for the : exhaust going thru the hood,I have seen them both : ways but there is nothing in the parts manual on : the exhaust going thru the hood,but no one semms : to know for sure.thanks If you work hay with a muffler down below you ignite windrows. That's why I converted my MF-135 to an upright exhaust. I saw it leaving corn stalks glowing while plowing. Didn't appreciate the hot foot either. Gerald
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