Re: Goofy Farmall B Governor -
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Posted by Ray on November 28, 1998 at 11:34:01:
In Reply to: Goofy Farmall B Governor - posted by Fargo on November 28, 1998 at 08:22:52:
: My throttle operation is very nonlinear. On the first notch of the throttle, the engine idles as it should. If I more to the second notch, the engine races ahead, effectively giving me two speeds - Idle and Very fast, with nothing in between. : I spoke to a Farmall guy who said it is probably a spring on the governor weights. : Last night I took the Governor apart and found out there are no springs on the weights, however I did notice a spring on the fornt inside going from the arm that comes from the trottle to the arm that goes to to the carb. It looked ok but I have no way of testing the tension. I did, however find that the bearing ring was shot and will need replacement. : Here are the Questions? : Could the Bearing ring be the whole problem? : Could the spring be the problem? : Are there supposed to be springs on the weights? : Could my problem be something else? : Thanks in advance for your knowledge. I have had about the same problem. 1. The bearing is a thrust bearing,I have had the bearing to out and cause the weights to stick on the shaft and not allow the weights to advance forward. 2.No there is not suppose to be springs on the weights. 3.The spring inside should be alright. 4. With the gov. housing off does everything move freely Hope this information helps. I'm rebuilding a Super C right now.
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