Re: Farmall H
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Posted by Ron on November 29, 1998 at 08:21:56:
In Reply to: Farmall H posted by Steve on November 28, 1998 at 21:55:21:
: A local tractor dealer has a Farmall H in excellent condition. It has new : tires, new 3 point, fresh paint, and recent overhaul with stepped pistons. : The tractor seems to run well and he is asking $2800. I like this machine : except for the narrow front end. I want to use the tractor for plowing : snow and doing some brush hog mowing. My land is moderately sloped but nothing : too severe. I have driven some Ford 2000s and 8Ns but never any machine with : the narrow front end. Are they unstable as compared to the wide fronts??? I : am a novice so any opinions are appreciated. We have narrow fronts on three of our Farmalls and get along fine. They just do small jobs on fairly flat ground. We even have a loader on our M; but we know our limitations of where we can go with it.
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