cracked engine block
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Posted by Todd Markle on November 29, 1998 at 16:59:10:
I just aquired a Farmall BN that my grandfather restored and sold about 20 yrs ago. He had a dealership and I think this tractor was a trade in. Apparently the block was bad when he traded it, and he fixed it It must have pushed out a very large section because the patch is big. I saw him repair an H that had the same problem. It had a section about 8"x6" broken out and into about 6 pieces. On this one he furnace welded the pieces back together and the welded the piece back into the block with arc,nickle rod. He then finished it off with Devcon plastic steel epoxy. I believe this is probably what he did on my BN. The problem is after 20 yrs it is now leaking. I dont want to change the block because the casting date is correct for the tractor and the engine runs good. I have tried radiator stop leak and K&W block sealer and it still leaks. The area is way too big to use JB weld. I would like to fix the leak and keep it looking original. Has anyone had any luck with any other putties or epoxys? I have seen Pyro-Putty advertised for manifold repair, will it work on a water jacket? Any thoughts or comments will be welcomed.
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