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Re: Flattning out ground
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Posted by JR on November 30, 1998 at 08:05:08:
In Reply to: Flattning out ground posted by Stan on November 24, 1998 at 17:15:57:
: A little background: : Late last winter I moved in to a new house that sits in the middle of what used to be a farmers field. My guess is that this land had been abandoned for at least three or four years. I assume this because of the growth of very small trees and the height of the underbrush. The last thing that was done to it was that it was plowed over in several different directions. This left several rutts of varing size all makeing it very tricky to walk over unless you like a twisted ankle or a or a popped knee. My origional thought was I would purchase a tractor, plow and disk turn the ground under with the plow break it up with the disk and continue to flatten it out with an old box spring. When this was done I'd seed it with grass purchase a woods mower for the tractor and live happily ever after mowing my oversized yard. It all seemed so simple. Now I find there are several different type of plows, several different types of disks and combinations of both. : My question: : What do I need??? : I hope I havent put the cart before the horse but I have already purchased the tractor, a Farmall Super A. As you may be able to tell I do not have any kind of farming background. Stan, Depending on the type of soil, but I wouldn't be quick to do plowing in the yard as it leaves it so soft too deep. I'd just pull a disk on it until I got it pulverized on top, then run a section harrow or some such to smooth it out. If you plow it deep and all that and it rains, then someone drives out on it they sink. I'd just pulverize the top and smooth it up. You'll likely have to go over it several trips but unless it's some sort of stiff gumbo dirt that'll do the trick and you won't be sorry later. Plowing is fine for the field but I've never cared for it in my yard. Have a good day sir. John
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