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Re: Farmall H
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Posted by The Red on December 05, 1998 at 08:30:22:
In Reply to: Farmall H posted by Steve on November 28, 1998 at 21:55:21:
: A local tractor dealer has a Farmall H in excellent condition. It has new : tires, new 3 point, fresh paint, and recent overhaul with stepped pistons. : The tractor seems to run well and he is asking $2800. I like this machine : except for the narrow front end. I want to use the tractor for plowing : snow and doing some brush hog mowing. My land is moderately sloped but nothing : too severe. I have driven some Ford 2000s and 8Ns but never any machine with : the narrow front end. Are they unstable as compared to the wide fronts??? I : am a novice so any opinions are appreciated. I am a little late seeing this post, but $2,800 on an H would be top dollar in central IN. Even with the 3 point, I think that is high. It would do what you have planned but I would shop around. I own 2 H's and they do have their limitations.
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