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Re: Belarus tractors
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Posted by Fritz on December 28, 1998 at 18:50:26:
In Reply to: Belarus tractors posted by Steve on December 28, 1998 at 18:18:33:
A local wine maker purchased a new Belarus (I'm not sure what model but it is 30+ hp) tractor for work in his vineyard. He has used in and around the place for the last ten or so years. Last time I was down for liquid nourishment I asked him how he liked it. He told me that it was very powerful when it was running. He has had numerous problems with it from hoses to pumps. We have a local dealer who also sells something called a Zetor tractor and parts have not been a problem, although sometimes a lengthy wait and very expensive. He doesn't like the way it steers (he called it a wallowing garbage scow) and the tractor is extremely heavy. I don't think he would buy another one. I have heard others comment on them and my story isn't too far off from the others I've read. I'd buy something else. Good luck.
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