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Posted by zane on January 24, 1999 at 18:21:10:
In Reply to: LEAD ADDITIVES posted by WILBUR MN. on January 24, 1999 at 07:01:54:
The reason lead (tetraethly or tetramethyl lead) was ever added to motor fuel was that it reduces the tendency for knocking (pinging, pre-ignition) in high compression, spark ignited engines. It allowed the flame front to advance in the combustion chamber smoothly without exploding the entire quantity of mixture at once. It has no, repeat,"no", advantage to offer engines which do not knock without it. EXCEPT THAT, it has been mentioned in this forum, that engines which have been run on leaded gasoline, should continue so, or be gradually "weaned", because years of use of leaded fuel could lead to an insulating lead film being formed on valves that, should it flake off, may cause them to burn. I cannot confirm or dispute that claim. But I don't see how a non-leaded "lead substitute", such as kerosene, could help. No doubt, they would boost octane rating, just as the lead additives used to. But your engine probably doesn't need that.
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