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Re: 801 s-o-s
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Posted by ZANE on February 19, 1999 at 20:04:19:
In Reply to: 801 s-o-s posted by al on February 19, 1999 at 09:25:45:
Their is a clutch at the front of the selectospeed trans similar to a regular clutch except it is never disengauged. I have found in a rare instance or two where the hub has spun or the spling has worn out.It is for shock loads and it does take a beating in the selecto You should also look at the valve that the inching pedal operates as they are prone to stick and it won't go if this happens.You need to know the right sequence in order to get the top of the trans off and back on right. Get a manual and read up on it if you haven't allready done so before uyou start. The reason you were missing the other gears is their is a one way sprag clutch in the trans about mid way in that has a short life span. when it fails it won't hold either way and causes loss of the free wheeling gears etc.
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