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Re: Modern day diesel fuel
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Posted by MARKL on February 26, 1999 at 04:13:46:
In Reply to: Modern day diesel fuel posted by A.J. Phillips on February 25, 1999 at 19:37:12:
At one time the quality of diesel fuel was determined in part by its sulfer content. Cat warned against the use of fuel with a high sulfer content, the sufer would cause all types of problems, such as mixing with water, which formed sulfuric acid. As time went by the demand for diesel fuel increased to the point where the overall sulfer content of most all diesel fuel was at a high level. To cambat the effect of sulfer higher quality of oil was developed. Several years ago the FED. GOV. mandated the use of a cleaner burning low sulfer fuel,there was not enough high quality fuel to go around so a new fuel which we know today as low sulfer was developed,I have seen it harm some rubber parts but seems to run fine in most tractors,it also tends to be cleaner than most HS fuel, cost more though.
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