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8N not firing
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Posted by Steve F. on March 09, 1999 at 10:52:55:
I am having trouble getting my 8N to start after painting it. I don't seem to be getting any spark at the plug wires. I have replaced all wires to the regulator, generator, switch and coil. The tractor has been converted to 12 volts, with a negative ground, and was this way before I replaced the wires and gave it a tune-up. I have the external resistor between the key ignition and coil with the BAT side on the coil side (w/ front mount distributor). I have verified that I have about 13 volts on both lower terminals of the coil, when the ignition key is on. I have replaced plugs, plug wires, condenser, points, rotor, distributor cap, but tried old cap and rotor and still get nothing. I am 99.9% confident that the distributor rotor is not 180 degrees out of time, as I was careful when removing it, and it seats properly with no space behind it when I bolt it to the front of the tractor. My primary coil resistance is about .35 - .4 ohms, while the secondary is about 7000 ohms. I have no way of checking the condenser, as my ohm-meter only reads up to kilo-ohms. I believe the coil primary resistance should be 1.06 to 1.17 ohms, with the secondary being 3800 to 4300 ohms. My coil is outside this spec on both ends, but I don't know if this is causing the problem with it not sparking. I am going to try the old condenser next to see if that helps. I get no spark at all when checking with a known good plug wire and two different plugs. I have also verified that the wiring is correct from diagrams I made before removing the ignition wires for painting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Steve
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