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Re: Making a plowed field flat
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Posted by John T on March 23, 1999 at 06:16:33:
In Reply to: Making a plowed field flat posted by Mike on March 23, 1999 at 04:50:59:
Mike, the way you opened that field is described as throwing a head land down the middle and then plowing around it. Theres no problem in that and just disc down that middle high hump as best you can. NOW HOWEVER, MOST IMPORTANT, next year you have to plow just the opposite so you end up with a dead furrow in the middle exactly where that headland hump was the previous year. That way youre throwing the dirt in to the middle of field first year and throwing it back away from and out of midle the next year. If you continually plowed the same way, there would eventually be an enormous hump in the middle and ditches around the fields outsides. Next year start plowing at the outer field edge and drive right down the middle of that headland hump throwing the dirt away from and out of it. A disk with a spike tooth drag harrow behind it helps level unless theres too much trash in field like cornstalks which it tends to pile up. Logs work, but not as well if theyre not hitched right because then they pile up too much dirt. Good Luck John T in Indiana
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