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Re: have iseki, need help
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Posted by Paul Fox on May 09, 1999 at 04:02:38:
In Reply to: have iseki, need help posted by DAVID B. NELSON on May 08, 1999 at 14:45:20:
Can't help you on parts, but I can give a couple of troubleshooting tips. I think you're on the right track, it's probably not getting fuel. Has it run out of fuel lately? If you got air in the fuel lines, you'll have to bleed them. The problem is when the fuel pump discharges into the line, the air compresses and the injector won't fire. (air will compress, liquid won't, with air in the line the pump can't build enough pressure to lift the injector) The usual method is to crack the fuel line at each injector and crank until you get a solid stream of fuel. You might want to do that anyway, to make sure the pump is working. If that's not it, check to make sure the fuel lines to the pump are clear, the filter is clean and flowing freely, and there are no air leaks. If that's not it, either the pump is shot or the timing is off, and I don't have any pointers there. Hope this helps a little. Good luck.
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