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Re: have iseki, need help
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Posted by Len on May 09, 1999 at 17:36:22:
In Reply to: have iseki, need help posted by DAVID B. NELSON on May 08, 1999 at 14:45:20:
More info needed. Did you shut it down and it won't restart or did it shut itself down? If it shut down, was it out of fuel? Have you made certain the water level in the fuel isn't too high ( if it is, at this point you may have big problems). If it shut itself down with fuel in the tank, most likely you have either water or a fuel restriction (plugged filter, wad of gunk in tank outlet). And like GEO says, making it run on starting fluid is a very bad idea. Also if it is getting fuel, you get lots of blue smoke during cranking when there is no start. If the smoke isn't there, there is either no fuel or no compression.
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