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Re: mitsubishi tractor help!!!!
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Posted by Dieselman on June 02, 1999 at 19:59:41 from (
In Reply to: mitsubishi tractor help!!!! posted by Sherry Harrington on June 02, 1999 at 07:56:00:
Sherry.............Can't say that I am real familiar with that breed and style of tractor but there is some things for you to check. It quit suddenly you say so the first thing that tells me is possibly a wire has fallen off. You said it was a shuttle shift and I'm assuming that mitsubishi is far enough along that you arn't sitting there pushing and pulling a valve back and forth to change the flow of fluid so there has to be an electric over hydralic switch somewhere's. Check the easiest places first such as around the bottom and lower sides of the tractor. Any place that a weed could get in and brushed it off. Then go deeper as in under the dash or wherever the shuttle shifter is located and start looking there. Perhaps a mouse had just about chewed through it and one rough bump was all it took to finish breaking it in half. If that don't fix it then I believe you either have a malfunctioning hydralic flow change valve (in lack of better words) or a deeper electrical problem. Start with the simplest first and go from there. Most of the time (and I quote this from my old diesel instructor) "the hardest problems have the simplest solutions". Good luck Respectivly Dieselman
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