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Re: Diesel Injector Pump
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Posted by P. Shetler on June 10, 1999 at 06:50:44 from (
In Reply to: Diesel Injector Pump posted by Sig on June 09, 1999 at 10:12:50:
Good advise from all (and special kudos to "Dieselman" for his willingness to help folks out on this forum). If you decide the leak is enough to worry about, I should think you can easily do this job yourself (without a rebuild). Before you touch anything else, take a centerpunch and mark both the pump body and the place it is mounted to so you can put it back in exactly the same place (it rotates around the centerline to adjust timing). If it runs OK now, it will run OK when you put it back with the new o-ring. Read up on bleeding the air out of the system when you are done. Good luck! Peter Shetler
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