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Re: What is a good first tractor?
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Posted by B.C. on July 27, 1999 at 06:56:36 from (
In Reply to: What is a good first tractor? posted by Joe L on July 26, 1999 at 15:14:02:
Take a look around and see what dealers are within a reasonable distance. Ask around and find out which of those are decent to deal with. Sooner or later you're going to want factory parts for whatever it is you buy, be they large or small. No matter where you buy your iron, that's where you're gonna wind up going for factory parts. Used parts can be mail ordered from other people like Central Tractor. That said, you might want to check out a Massey 65 (or 165 or 175). An Allis D-17 (maybe a late D-15) in the later series, with a wide front and three pt hitch might work out. A Deere wide front 3010 or 3020 might be a good choice too. If you wind up with a tricycle front, be sure your insurance is paid up and your affairs are in order. If you really are new to this, slipping somebody who is a qualified but disinterested ag mechanic a few 20 dollar bills to help make your final choice might be smart. Unless you really like the idea of going through an engine or driveline, you'd be wise to avoid that adventure starting out. That doesn't mean things have to look perfect or be spotless...just be sound.
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