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Please help.....Adding hydraulic oil to a Ford 3000 diesel.
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Posted by Paul D. Reese on July 28, 1999 at 14:33:38 from (
This is my first tractor. I was told that because the hydraulic arms are moving slightly up and down at a slow idle that I was low on hydraulic fluid. 1. For the hydraulic system. Where do I put it in and what do I use for a gauge to know I've got enough in? 2. Can I use the universal fluid on my ford 3000? 3rd. There is a oil fill hole on the plate containing the high/low shifter and the gear shifter... how much and how high do I fill this chamber with fluid? 4th. There is a oil fill hole underneath the seat that seems to fill the chamber directly related to the gear box and axles. How much fluid goes in there and what is used as the gauge. I have dumped 5 gallons of fluid into these chambers already... Lastly, My Pto lever is grinding when I try to engage the pto ( get the mower going ). Anything like oil that will help me here? Or is there a procedure I'm missing while trying to engage the pto? Please help me.... Email is
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