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Re: Re: Re: Farmall Alternator
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Posted by Stan Theman on July 30, 1999 at 09:26:45 from (
In Reply to: Re: Re: Farmall Alternator posted by Steve White on July 29, 1999 at 21:55:06:
One of the wires on your new connector should be heavier than the other. The heavier wire (mine's red)should connect to the stud on the back of the alternator. The smaller wire is the one you use to tell the alternator to begin charging. Here's where I deviate from the switch mentioned earlier: I take power from the load side of the ignition switch and run it through a small light bulb to the smaller wire on your new connector. I have, in effect, an "idiot light." When you turn on the ignition, electricity flows through the light to the alternator. The small wire is grounded until the engine starts and the alternator begins to generate electricity. Internal electronics of the alternator opens this circuit and the light goes out. Thus you know you're charging. Be careful not to use too small of a bulb for it won't pass enough current to excite the field in the alternator. The advantage to this method is that you don't have to remember to flip a switch or press a button to begin charging. Also, if your alternator fails internally, you won't have a short circuit. The light will simply come on. Oh, one other also...if you lug your engine down to the point the alternator stops charging, the light will re-start the charging system when your rpm's come back up. Stan Theman
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