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Re: MF65 Power Steering Pump Reservoir
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Posted by ltf in nc on July 31, 1999 at 06:08:36 from (
In Reply to: MF65 Power Steering Pump Reservoir posted by Sam on July 30, 1999 at 19:17:18:
If the resevoir was low in power steering fluid but otherwise ok and now it is running over you must have too much oil in it. If you checked it cold an added oil the oil has expanded as it warmed. If the oil was real low you could have air in the system. It will be frothy in this case. You do have the correct dipstick? Get the family turkey baster and suck some of the oil back out and run the tractor until the oil is hot recheck and verify the level hot. I realize that since you have a leak you are concerned that you always have enough fluid. Attention to such detail does has its reward with less downtime and reduced equipment expense. I am going to suggest something that I have in the past avoided. I do not believe that you can overhaul and engine from the contents of a can. Clean fuel, clean quality oil and new filters, along with lubrications, at regular intervals usually sums me up. No Additives. My breakdowns are minimal as a consequence. Seals usually leak because of infrequent use. The power steering product at this web site ( is not a thickener, it works on the seal itself. British cars (I have one) are noted for leaking steering and this is the fix. It will harm nothing in the system.
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