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Ultimate Tractor/Cutter rig
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Posted by Harold H on September 11, 1999 at 14:07:07 from (
Several of the recent posts on what was the best; tractor, picker, combine, or whatever, reminded me of a rig I saw many years ago, which I would probably consider the ultimate tractor/rotary cutter combination for some serious brush cutting. The cutter was a heavy duty International Fast Hitch 72" or 84" rotary cutter (I don't remember the model number} mounted on a Farmall 400 or 450. The tractor had the transmission reversed, along with the steering and other controls, so that it operated with the cutter out front, the former rear of the tractor now being the front of the tractor. It was equipped with a single front {now rear} wheel for maximum manuverability. It was the only rig I have ever seen set up like that. Just thought it might be of interest to some readers of maby someone might want to make one. Harold H
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