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Re: still no fire
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Posted by Highland Joe on October 26, 1999 at 08:29:32 from (
In Reply to: still no fire posted by richard on October 25, 1999 at 22:25:08:
Step 1- clip test light to a good ground and then probe the + terminal of the battery to confirm operation of the battery and light. Step 2- remove the distributor cap and rotate the engine untill the points are open. Step 3- with the test light probe the + side and then the - side of the coil , if the light is on for both tests, check the side of the points that the wire from the - side of the coil is connected to, this should also light the test light.If there is no power to the - side of the coil at this point you could have a bum coil or a shorted condenser.If there is power to both sides of the coil but not to the points contact (wire side) you have a bad connection from the coil to the distributor. Step 4- if all three tests show power,rotate the engine untill the pionts are closed. Probe the same connection on the points and then the - side of the coil ,both connections should not light the test light. If the test light is on,you have bad points or a bad ground in the distributor or a bad connection to the - side of the coil. If the test light does not light at both connections then measure the + side of the coil to confirm power to the coil.If this test shows no power you have a poor power connection to the coil. This procedure should give you some indication that the primary wiring is working. Hope this helps. PS step 6- Have a beer.
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