Country is better than that rap stuff.Whoever screwed up the radio needs to be run out of the country.I can remember driving to work in the 70s and 80s,90s and you would hear some new good music at least once a month.Now its the same thing all the time,plus the talk radio is all trying to imitate Rush Limbaugh or some kind of stupid way of thinking like trying to turn you into a know nothing fool."Conservative"Yeah right!All that did was ruin what little country we had left.Its best to listen to NPR as all the lies on talk radio,and you cant even trust NPR wont lie to you.What happened?Instead of having thousands of radio stations owned by lots of different people,all of them are owned by a few people.These few people must be stupid to have the same stuff over and over on every station.If you are lucky and find a good station it fades quick.The big power ones have the same programs all the time.Most "good"country music is from back in the 50s,60s and 70s.When they all get to sounding alike and talking about the same thing it doesnt take long to get tired of it.Any music has the potential to be good,including country,its just that nobody that decides whether or not you hear it has any imagination and only look for the same thing in every song.I know a few hands that go get drunk on Friday or when it rains,and while that was cool when you are 24,it gets old when you are 44,ugly,lazy,and listening to that old cry in your beer stuff.Who in their right mind wants all that punishment all the time,hangovers,medical problems,divorce,car wrecks,and the rest of it?If you dont have any more imagination than to be like that,and listen to that stuff,I bet it can get to be a real boring conversation trying to talk to you.Plus old hippies are disgusting too.I saw that back in the 70s,the ones wearing pony tails,shooting drugs,listening to Stairway to Heaven,were done long ago.If not for good music being played on FM in the 80s and early 90s,there wouldnt be anything to listen to now.In the 70s I gave away over 100 albums that some of the songs on them are still played on the radio.
Music is never going to stop,but trying to force us to listen to lousy country,rap,propaganda pushers,and the rest is just stupid.Another thing that can use some improvement.We need a younger Tom Petty to get mad at the music industry and fight them back to where you can hear good music again.I guess since Tom Petty made them pay him they are punishing us for it maybe.Whatever it is they are doing with music now is just wrong.I guess over and over is better than new trashy,but its hard to believe nobody is making any new good music.Stupid people arent letting it get out.Greedy hogs think you dont have 20 bucks to buy one of their trash CDs if you have good ones to buy so they use some of the money they make to see new good music doesnt get played.
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Today's Featured Article - Antique Tractors a Passing Fad? - by Tractor Talk Forum Participants. A Talk of the Town article - Do you see antique tractors going out like a fad? Value has come down this winter. An example is the Ford Model A and T cars that went through this in years ago, along with the hit & miss engine. Will the younger generation move on to something else? Will it be harder to sell them and what models will be affected? Could we see the value crash on our rusty relics?
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