why doesn't the union just agree to take some reasonable cuts so that the members can keep their jobs instead of losing them completely. I just read that the UAW people walked out of the negotiations today.
Now what bothers me the most about a union other than them making people believe that unskilled labor should be paid as much as skilled labor is that all the time those Union leaders are telling the members to strike, walk the line, take that strike pay which is really low, They are still making their high salary, still getting the full check and not having to sell anything to pay the bills or not take vacations or get into the savings.
I have always thought the best way to lead was by example and that is not it. then again I can't see why the union members can't see it either.
I guess if the people who need the jobs can't take a cut in some things and keep their jobs then they don't deserve to have them. Everyone is having to make cuts and concessions and they are not different.
I have heard I don't know how many times that "the company owes me this! Guess what? A company owes you your paycheck, anything else is a perk.
And on the other side, when you have management officials in the company making what most working people see as obscene salaries and they won't take any cuts either then the company deserves to fold under. The problem with most upper management is that they aren't concerned with the good of the company anymore but with how much they can get for themselves. Who do you know that honestly deserves a $50 million bonus?? I mean come on people. And I don't care what form that bonus is in, money, stock, whatever. No one is worth that and especially a person who is supposed to be making the company run profitable and isn't doing it. Guess what? If your company was making a profit before someone is hired to lead it and they are losing money afterwards, THEY AREN'T DOING THEIR JOB!!!!!!
I've just got a high school education and can figure that one out. My dad and another man own a business, when things are good everyone that works there does good. When things are tight and slow like now, The employees might get a smaller Christmas bonus but dad and his partner don't get one at all, I have seen them go for several months without a paycheck to make sure the employees get one. WE have painted presses and cleaned floors many times to keep people from being laid off.
But the management took the first hits not everyone else. Maybe these large corporation managers need to go back to thinking about the company first instead of themselves. And if it is a union company, the members need to think about if they are going to have a job at all to pay their bills instead of not one at all and lose everything.
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Today's Featured Article - Hydraulic Basics - Part 2 - by Curtis Von Fange. In the last entry to this series we gave a brief overview of hydraulic system theory, its basic components and how it works. Now lets take a look at some general maintenance tips that will keep our system operating to its fullest potential. The two biggest enemies to a hydraulic system are dirt and water. Dirt can score the insides of cylinders, spool valves and pumps. Wate
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