Re: Oil Bath Filter
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Posted by Ron on April 29, 1998 at 10:27:24:
In Reply to: Oil Bath Filter posted by Craig Duff on April 29, 1998 at 06:54:32:
: Along with changing the oil in the oil bath air filter on my Farmall B, it seems I should remove the filter and clean it off as well. But, I've tugged and tugged and can't get it out. Should it be removable, and if so, is there a trick to it? I'm afraid to pull too hard and damage the unit, so I thought I'd ask first. If someone could help out, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks! If it's like most oil bath air cleaners (and I strongly suspect it is) then the "filter" element is NOT removable. It is spot welded into the main body of the filter. With proper and timely servicing of the oil cup, there is no need to "clean" the filter screen.
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