Re: Re: What's the best way to finish mow 5 acres??
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Posted by John Thatcher on April 29, 1998 at 19:40:07:
In Reply to: Re: What's the best way to finish mow 5 acres?? posted by Bob Fitz on April 29, 1998 at 18:58:45:
: : I currently have a number of small tractors and I am looking for a cost effective way to mow 5 acres. I have an AC B, JD B, Farmall BN, Ford 8N, but what I use to cut my lawn is a reliable MTD 18hp 48" tractor. : : Iwant to get a bigger cut though 6 - 8 foot. Should I get some old reel mowers to put behind my tractors. Do reel mowers require alot of maintenance? Should I get a flail mower secondhand for the 3 pt 8N? How about a six foot 3pt rotary mower? How about an old golf course mower? What's a good price for any of this stuff? : : I currently use a tow behind brush hog to mow the larger fields. : : I hate cutting grass and would like to get a cheap faster way of doing things so I can do work that really needs to be done around the farm. : : Are there other people out there who hate mowing this much? Please comment and provide guidance. : I use a Ford 2N and a Woods 5 foot deck finish mower to cut about 8 acres. I agree, mowing grass rates right down there with prostate exams, but the finish mower makes the job go better. Get something with stabilizer chains to keep you from having to fuss with the hydraulics all the time. Of course price is dependent upon condition! : : Grateful, : : Mark I suggest a 6 foot finishing mower. I have 5 acres and use a 48 model Ferguson TE-20 (basically an 8 N) and mow with a Land Pride 6foot finishing mower. It has 4 tires on it to kep the cut even. You never have to play with the hydrolics at all. If you need more info. please e mail me. I found my mower used for 600.00
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