Re: My trusty H is sick
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Posted by John W. on April 29, 1998 at 23:12:09:
In Reply to: My trusty H is sick posted by Jeff Nagy on April 23, 1998 at 19:04:10:
I can't remember exactly what the H has for a damper/pulley, but if you could get a chain wrench on it without damaging the pulley, etc. you can put a lot of force on the crank. I have an old H that would not turn over with towing. When I split the tractor and put a bar between bolts on the flywheel it broke free easily. Good luck. I've found that the old girls are hard to hurt. : I shut down my Farmall H at the start of the winter. I went out to the tractor, charged the battery and tried to start it. This year it didn't. Apparently a piston(s) is frozen in the sleeve. I even tried rolling it and letting the clutch out in 5th gear...just dragged the tires. I have taken the head off to take a peek. I do see some rust in #3 and #2, but nothing I would call piston siezing material. What next? I need to bush hog my field before safaris start to appear!
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