Pasquali tractor - seeking info
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Posted by Mike Lamond on May 09, 1998 at 21:14:49:
All of a sudden Pasqualis are starting to show up here. I never heard of them until my father bought one a few years ago. It has a bucket loader and backhoe mounted now, plus some other 3-point mounted accessories. It's a nice machine once you learn what lever does what and get used to the articulated steering. We'd appreciate it if anyone can help with the following questions. Email me at The chassis nameplate reads: Trattorice "Pasquali" Tipo 993 No. #1863 Serie 10 Calenzano Firenze The engine nameplate reads: Ruggerini TIPO RD901/2 GIRI 3000 (rpm?) C.C. 1080 1. Where was the original hydraulic pump mounted? It must have had something since the 3-point lift is integral. The current pump is mounted next to the engine cooling blower, right up front, with a drive belt off the crankshaft pulley. It has a new belt guard made out of a junked pickup running board (polished aluminum diamond plate, no less). The oil reservoir, mounted over the blower housing, looks original. 2. Where is the engine oil pressure sender/switch? 3. Was power steering available, or has anyone adapted it? Making this thing bend in the middle takes some effort with a full bucket. 4. Does anyone have manuals / literature / pictures available? 5. What are the oil capacities for the axles, transmission, etc? We have the engine oil taken care of, complete with new filters from the dealer in Wisconsin. 6. What should the intake and exhaust valves be adjusted to? Thanks, Mike
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