I have completely flushed and refilled the PS on my newly acquired 64 4000 and 60 (?) 961 within the last month. Both had foamy pink colored oil in the resevoirs indicating a mixture of ATF and water.CNH recommends 134 oil for just about everything these days including PS systems on old tractors. CNH 134 is around $50 per 5 gal bucket so I have been buying 134 equivalent from my local farm store. If I wait until it is on sale I can buy it for around $25 per bucket. Yes, I use it in my PS systems. I am not familiar with the PS system on your 3000 but here's what I did with my tractors. 1. Remove PS hoses at the cylinders. 2. Jack up front end and turn steering lock to lock several times to force out all oil possible. 3.Remove cover from resevoir and suck out any remaining oil with a turkey baster. 4. Remove any other lines or hoses that may contain trapped oil. 5. Replace filter in resevoir (vintage Ford systems). 6. Reconnect hoses/lines, refill, start, and operate system lock to lock several times. 7. Stop engine, remove resevoir cover, inspect oil for color. 8. Suck out oil with turkey baster, operate system, inspect, and replace oil with new oil. 9. Repeat step 8 as many times as necessary to remove all evidence of red dye, water or other contamination. Hope this helps. Dean