I was moving dirt again today, this time with the Kubota as it is much more stable on hills. Anyway, Right when I get to the top of the hill I am making, about 12' high at this point with a slope of 35-40 degrees, the box blade drops down.Uh oh. I get off and find that one of the 3pt lift arms has come off of the lower link. Walked back around and found the pin, but not the hair pin. I keep a selection of pins, clips, bolts, nuts, tools and luckily hairpins in the tool box. A bit of leverage from a long pry bar and back on it went. Bern, Thanks for the tip. I do think it is in far enough. The bulb is a bit longer than the original and there is just the supplied adaptor used to screw it into the head. It's a 172D, the bulb is in the right side, far back location of the head just in front of the battery tray. Is there a better place to screw it in? I can't seem to recall there being any other location used. Lemme know!
Thanks, jb