So I went and seen a Moline M5 Diesel last night and paid for it.... This morning I received a call about a Round Baler that I have for sale- At 7:30 am Follow me this is going somewhere. The man had some questions about his tractor powering this round baler. He has a 60 Hp tractor, and the round baler is rated for a minimun of 65 hp like I displayed in the advertisment (a 851 NH). I explained that I used my 65 Hp moline M602 that I have and it worked ok. He said wow I have a M5 and they are almost the same - besides you could stop the bale early with less horsepower. He explained that he was switching from square bales, and that he had no inside storage I explained that he may want to have a loader, because the 851's bales don't shed water the best and I would stack and tarp them. He explained that he had a M5 Diesel with a loader. I said funny I bought one just like it last night - paid in full..... YOU COULD HERE HIS JAW HIT THE FLOOR THROUGH THE PHONE AS HE ASKED WHERE I BOUGHT IT, and I confirmed it was the same tractor that he did not pay for yet - nor was it at his residence. He quickly said I guess I am not buying your baler then..... . Wow I had my local hauler on the phone in 5 minutes - we were there at 10:30 am We loaded it, and were on our way. I got home and unloaded, and b.s'd with a neighbor and the hauler guy. Then I went inside, and Crazy guy actually called the COPS???? He says I had a bill of sale - though he didn't pay for it - so I paid but his little note is supposed to mean something (all private parties). Small world crazy stuff!