To put more than one pic in a post, don't use the "optional image URL" box. Instead you need to use some html tags within the text of your post. Here's an example:(img src="") Now instead of "(" and ")" use "<" and ">". If I had used the correct symbols in my example, the computer would have thought I was trying to post a pic and after failing to find my ficticious website would have given the "dreaded red x" (aka DRX). You can use the above tag as many times in a post as you like, but if you go overboard and post too many pics your post will take forever to load. Another caution: sometimes pictures are too big for a computer screen. To limit the size of the picture you want to display, add a little sizing language at the end of your image tag. Like this: (img src="" width="500") Then after you hit the "Submit" button look at the picture. If it's still too big, hit your back button and change the width to 450 or 400.