"Anyone who opens one of these VERY simple carbs up should be able to find the bowl vent. If they can"t they have no business working on them. IMHO Actually Ken, I suppose I opened this thread, or more precisly, this subject over on page two, when I called this vent "the elusive bowl vent". I don"t owe you an explanation but since you have gotten your britches all wadded up, here goes the long story. I got this tractor in June, it had sat up a long time. I re-wired it, did a tune-up, switched it to 12 volt,vatted the carb and put a TSC kit in it, after blowing it out with compressed air. I set the two adjusting needles as advised on this board and in my older FO4 manual. It started right up, idled fair but would not throttle up correctly without the high speed needle out 6-8 rounds. That in it self didn"t bother me too much except that it would sputter when under load if the fuel lever was at WOT. If I backed the lever down about 1/2 inch it smoothed out.I bought a new bucket of carb cleaner and boiled it out again. I blew it out good, ran a fine wire everywhere I could see to run one. Everywhere I blew air into I got return somewhere. After re assembling it again the problem was still there. I checked the distributor for correct point setting, made sure I had the right screws in the right place, checked for slack in the dist bushing. Everything looked good. It still did not run to suit me under load. I left the four screws a bit loose between the two halves and it did help. This led me and others on this board to think that the bowl was not venting which would cause poor fuel flow (if air can"t get out, fuel cannot enter the bowl). The float is set right and I did try changing the float level a tad each way. BTW-the compression is a litle over 100 psi on each cyl. Everyone here agreed the bowl vent had to be plugged. When I started asking the exact location of this vent, I recieved numerous replies, but they were as different as day and night. Not one reply back then posted an accurate picture or drawing of this vent. I tried Zanes trick of drilling a small hole in the top of the housing which helped a great deal but it is still not exactly right.I tinkered with the timing also which did not solve the problem. I am no novice to mechanical devices, am 58 yrs old, have been working as a mechanic since I was a young man (19) and am Ford and ASE certified medium/heavy diesel tech. I like things to work right, and when they don"t I want to know why they don"t. Yes, this is a simple carb, espically when compared to say, a GM Quardajet or a Ford Varible Venturi, but that does not mean folks should get upset with others over it. I know fully well that I can order another carb but I want to fix this one, it is almost surely the original. I have kept all the old wiring and generator/regulator and plan on re-installing it at a later date. HOBO has posted a drawing on his site but it is in PDF format and as I have said this old computer has a small hard drive and only 28 MB ram, so I cannot install Acrobat Reader and open his site. I will do that tomorrow at work tho. Bob has been very helpful and has promised to post an accurate drawing also. We live in a small town with no local tractor shop, so no other FO4 manual is close by. I will order another one but had hoped to get this resolved this weekend. I apologize if this MINOR carb malfunction has ruined your weekend to the point you feel you have to get testy about it. From now on if you see a post with my name on it, please refrain from opening it as it may also cause you much anguish, and could result in high blood pressure and/or stroke or heart attack. If you wil post your whereabouts we will call ahead before we post again and have 911 send paramedics to your home just in case. :^)