Lets pick apart.. er.. look at your reply. ""I thought the condenser was the path to ground when the points close "" The points have a fixed and moving contact... one side of the points is hooked tot he primary wire coming from the ignition coil.. the other sid eof the points are grounded to the tractor frame... thus.. when the points are closed.. they are their own ground. ""So, how is the ckt completed across the points if you have an open condenser?""
Same way a spark plug or lightning works... when the condensor is open, there is an arc that jumps the points.. pitting and burning them.. IE.. they are a sparkgap.. think of the capacitor as a 'debouncer' for a switch... google that term if you don't know what it means. ""Seems like the effect of an open vs. shorted condenser would be the opposite of what you describe."" Uh.. maybee to someone who hasn't studdied electronics i guess. Think about it.. if a condensor is shorted, AND across the points.. when the points open mechanically.. they will not open electrically.. thus no spark... soundguy