01-19-2007 12:41:27
Dave, I am 26 and painted my first tractor (a SMTAD) between Christmas and New Years. I haven't done much painting myself, but I have a good friend who has been painting cars and stuff since high school. I've helped him in the past, so I knew a little, but not much. I learned alot. We always used an HVLP gun. This time my friend found an old gun and paint pot, we decided to give it a try. There is probably a better name for it, but its basically just a bucket with a lid that you sit on the floor. You hook your air supply to that, then just carry a small gun and a light, short end of hose instead of a long 3/8 dirty air hose, gun and quart of paint. It worked great. I gave the entire tractor (minus fuel tank, hood, nose cone and fenders) 3 coats with a gallon and a half of paint. My friend painted a WD45 with an HVLP a while back, took 3 gallons to do the same. I used an etching primer then Nason filler/sealer primer then DuPont 7410. Turned out AWESOME! I'm a beginner too, but still a perfectionist. I'm real happy with the results. The paint just seemed to stick to the primer, wasn't real hard to keep it from running. The primer is a real flat gray, the shiny red was a strong contrast, so it was easy to see what was covered and what wasn't. I chose the DuPont partly because of local availability and cost. 140 a sprayable gallon. The cheap urethanes were in the neighboor hood of about 180 here, (DuPont Imron was 280!) plus I didn't care for the match to IH red they had. Good luck and have fun