As I said, I know nothing about Farmalls or their colors. I don't know what year or model that one was or if the color was "correct" or not. Here's an interesting comparison:
 The top portion is the tractor I took a picture of yesterday. The lower one is Daniel's. The small square overlays are from your picture of the 71310 - one is from the cover and the other is from inside the can itself. I don't see an orange tint in Daniel's tractor. I do in your cover shot. Actually, the view inside your can makes a fair match to Daniel's tractor. Considering all the variables we are dealing with here, of course. I do know that different digital camera sensors see some shades differently so this is only a fun exercise with no definite conclusion :o). It would be nice to also see that 71096, in comparison.PPG's Delstar and DuPont's Centari are about as good as it gets in an acrylic enamel - in my opinion. It is significantly more expensive than the OMNI. I have used quite a bit of Delstar in the past but haven't been able to get it mixed at all anywhere in my area for several years. It does seem to be still available in the midwest however. If you can find it in your area, I think you would be pleased with it. Before you decide definitely on Delstar, I recommend you do a full cost comparison (in ready-to-spray quantities) with Concept acrylic urethane in PPG's Deltron Line. Comparative color-only prices are here for Delstar and here for Concept. If you find the RTS prices not much greater for the Concept, I'd go with the Concept simply because it is a true acrylic urethane rather than a urethane-modified acrylic enamel (Delstar w/hardener DXR80). Although I have never done it myself, and usually don't recommend such things, I feel quite confident that you would have no problem applying either Delstar or Concept over either MP170 or MP182. If faced with the choice, I would do it myself, especially if I already had the primer and surfacer - I feel it is that low of a risk. What I would not do is use an OMNI hardener or reducer in either the Delstar or the Concept. I think that's a higher risk that's just asking for trouble. Use the proper mix ingredients for the product.