06-21-2005 15:49:07
President needs to fix the SM and put an IH in there with the molines. That one aint too bad of puller. Wonder what a warmed over 44 massey would do? Pretty big engine in those too. course, all that bigger hp mite bite em later on this year, who knows, may not be any left together as much torque goes through em. Loose ends come apart. Stubb's SM sitting in the shed! A sleeper, that one will run, Ive seen it. Would blow Metcalf's SM out of the water. Who knows, sleepers may wake up, come put on a show. What do you think of Hoppers M? Looking tougher I think, Not Dc tough,,, it holds its own. I still got that Super M in the shed,,, Akron's pull on July 2nd, Well, it will be a fun local class, Terry, he has a 70 JD, Our SM, I got a cousin that has another M, I mean, yeah, some down home bragging rights gonna fly! That track has been sitting still for 2 years now, If it hadnt rained last year, I leveled it off last year, just disked, and graded about 4 inches off, cleaned the loose stuff off, it looked pretty good. Doing the same thing this year. ChadS