Your neighbor may have had bad experiences in the past and is fearful of a repeat occurrence. I would recommend that you be neighborly – when you see your neighbor at or near the fence go over and have a nice chat about the weather, your old guns, the cost of gas, how things are doing in the county, etc. Try to calm his fears, and let him know that you are careful and responsible with your guns. Invite him over to have a look see.Here are a couple of recent examples of less than safe gun usage I witnessed. A new neighbor on about 3 acres apparently had some friends over to shoot what sounded like a couple of .22 rifles and a .38 handgun. They really don’t have anywhere safe to shoot on their place, no back stop etc. After shooting almost 100 rounds rapid fire one of the neighbors that was apparently down range of where they were shooting came over to their place and gave them “HE double hockey sticks” for shooting in the direction of his yard and family. I heard him yelling from over a ½ mile away! Another neighbor was shooting his 9mm handgun in a somewhat safe direction, but without any backstop that I could see. Any stray bullets could have gone through one or two adjacent properties. At least the houses are a few hundred feet from where the bullets could have gone. I am glad that no one was in the neighbor’s yard. If any of the neighbors ever shoot in the direction of me or my family, animals, or equipment I will do my utmost to ensure they never do it again. If you were down range from these two neighbors how would you feel? The gun range is about 2.5 to 3 miles away!