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Farmall-200/12-volt conversion
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Posted by Sherman Jumper on March 28, 1999 at 06:47:08:
Need advice on best way to re-wire Farmall 200. Also switching to 12-volt negative ground due to constant battery problems and starting difficulties. I need wiring schematic for this tractor so I can install alternator with built-in regulator. I have already installed battery and mounted the alternator, and I am in the process of installing new switches (ignition, light switch, fuseable link holder, ammeter, & thermo-coupling - 12 volt coil installed. Can someone please tell me how to do this re-wiring so that I will not fry the armature of alternator. By the way, alternator came with a pig-tail plug-in w/red & white wires. I have purchased both 10 and 12 guage electrical wire for the rennovation. Sherman Jumper Eads, TN
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