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450 buying questions
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Posted by Jeff on May 01, 1999 at 10:50:17:
I recently stumbled on to a Farmall 450 in good condition and am thinking of buying it but don't know much about them. I currently own 3 M's and the 450 appears to have many nice options the M's don't. The 450 serial #686 S. What does the "S" stand for? Will the wide Front end from my M bolt on to the 450? The 450 says "torque aamplifier onthe side, what does this mean? Are the axle housings on the 450 interchangeable with the "M". How difficult is it to convert the two-point hitch to a three-point hitch? It has a gas engine - what is the horsepower? Is it the same engine as the "M"? Is there anything in particular I should look for? What were the tractors weak points? The million dollar question ... what price range would be acceptable? It is in good condition. Thanks JEFF
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