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Re: Farmall A. Got spark, got gas. Won't start.
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Posted by RKS on June 03, 1999 at 15:10:29 from (
In Reply to: Farmall A. Got spark, got gas. Won't start. posted by Don K. on June 03, 1999 at 05:45:08:
I'm with mj - sounds like he is a little suspicious of the timing at TDC - me too. Are the magneto mounting bolts loose at all? Try this also, - - remove all 4 plugs and squirt a little gasoline into each cylinder, and quickly replace the plugs, and wires. Crank it - if it acts like it is trying to crank and run normally, it probably isn't an ignition problem. If it doesn't, you more clearly have an ignition problem. If it does, you have to start looking at the carb. There is a "straw that breaks the camel's back." You may have just broken the "carbs back." If so, time to dig into it and find the problem. Smelling gasoline on a removed plug isn't enough confirmation that you don't have a gas problem, because the mixture is also important. If you have some trash that has found its way into the main jet venturi, then you will get some gas from the idle jet venturi but it will be too lean if the throttle is open enough. Try with the throttle set low and the choke set full. If that helps significantly, you have to tear down the carb and find the problem in the main jet venturi. RKS
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