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Gas in my Farmalls
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Posted by John on June 07, 1999 at 07:23:38 from (
I've seen a few questions about gas and old tractors but couldn't remember seeing anything about my problem. The old tractors we have on our farm get used but don't see regular use. Now we don't use cheap gas on the farm but it seems like any of our old tractors that sit longer than a couple weeks have some sort of grit that settles out of the gas into the bottom of the tank. This stuff then accumulates in the sediment bowl which has to be replaced, about $30 most of the time. It also seems like today's gas gums up in the carb much faster than it used to. Is there a fuel additive or something that could help cure this problem? Would a different grade of gas help? If anyone out there could give me a hand with this I'd appreciate it, I'd much rather spend my money for parts to get my other old farmalls running.
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